Twine is an open-source, auto-scaling independent infrastructure for WebSockets
Built to drop reliable real-time functionality into existing web applications
Built to drop reliable real-time functionality into existing web applications
Developers access Twine's load-tested pub/sub mechanism through a secure API that drops into their existing JavaScript application code.
Reconnecting users rejoin the real-time channels they were subscribed to and receive in-order delivery of missed messages.
Twine's Dockerized business logic runs within an auto-scaling AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment, with conservative and customizable scaling triggers.
Twine stores all of its data within the AWS account specified during the Twine deployment process.
Twine deploys on the Amazon Web Services infrastructure, leveraging the robust capabilities of AWS to ensure reliable and scalable real-time interactions.
This live presentation was given on December 8th, 2023 as a way to showcase Twine and our journey of building it.